
Anti-Aging Medicine

Aging is a natural process. However, the food we eat, our lifestyle, stress, where we live and work and our relationships all influence our immune system and thus how healthy we are and how rapidly we age.

Although life expectancy has increased dramatically, the quality of life in the aging population has seriously declined. 80% of people over the age of 65 have at least one chronic condition such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or arthritis and more than 50% have more than one chronic condition.

Our bodies are challenged by the enormous changes in our environment: pollution, reduced soil quality, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives, and farm animal diets, supplemented by antibiotics and hormones loaded with thousands of chemicals that were unknown on the planet 50 years ago. In addition, we are besieged by indoor chemical pollution (cleaning products, etc.), electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, wireless devices, routers, and heavy metal poisons (lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum) - all of which can overload our metabolic processes for detoxification, and trigger free radical reactions that damage our organs and our genes.

As we age, toxins can accumulate in our bodies. While our body does rid itself of many toxins naturally, as we get older and the toxic burden increases, it gets harder and harder to detoxify naturally and may increase the risk for disease.

Senescence, the process of aging, is accompanied by a “loss of organ reserve capacity” throughout the body. Muscles weaken, glands reduce secretions, digestion is impaired (further reducing one’s nutritional state), memory and concentration decline, and sexual functions diminish.

Senescence should be approached at the cellular level, with lab tests including assessments of the following factors:

  • Genetic risks
  • Heavy metals or toxic load
  • Hormone levels
  • Inflammation
  • Methylation capacity
  • Thyroid and Adrenal status

A good assessment will allow the physician to do an individualized rejuvenation plan that will address the different areas that need to be addressed.

IV Therapies for Anti-Aging

  • Detoxification
  • Glutathione
  • Immune Booster
  • Myers Cocktail for general health
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamins & Mineral

Aesthetic Services for Anti-Aging and Facial

Skin Pen: Microneedling

Bring your inner beauty to the surface with SkinPen Precision microneedling. Collagen and elastin are the essential protein fibers in the skin that give it support and elasticity. As we age, these fibers break down and can cause wrinkles. Regenerating the collagen and elastin in the skin can help to give you a more youthful appearance overall. Collagen also plays a key role in scarring, such as those resulting from acne. Skin remodeling can have an important role in the improved appearance of this condition.

SkinPen Precision is the leading microneedling device and it works to remodel the skin by creating temporary microscopic channels in your skin. This simple procedure activates your body’s natural skin-healing power to increase collagen and elastin so your skin returns to a healthier looking and youthful appearance.

How It Works:

  • Inflammation: SkinPen’s microneedles pierce the skin, triggering your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and begin to create new tissue.
  • Proliferation: The micro-wounds created by SkinPen are rebuilt with new granulation cells that include collagen proteins. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.
  • Remodeling: The wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels which are comprised of rich collagen and elastin proteins. These proteins improve skin youthfulness.

AngeAGE MD Microneedling Solution: This treatment delivers powerful anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating growth factors and hyaluronic acid to the skin. Combined with the SkinPen Precision microneedling procedure, you can achieve dramatic results with minimal discomfort and downtime.

AnteAGE MD Brightening Solution: Optimize the results of your microneedling treatment when you add the regenerative power of stem cell growth factors. This Brightening Solution fades discoloration and encourages an even complexion. By blocking pigment from multiple pathways, it gets at the root of hyperpigmentation to stop it once and for all.

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma (for face)