Sunshine Medical Centers

New Patient Information

Forms are provided to help you get a head start on your appointment. Please complete the applicable forms online, print them, sign, and bring them with you during your visit.


Welcome Form
Authorization Form
New Patient Chiropractic Form
New Patient Medical Form
Patient Consent for Communication Form
Explanation and Consent for Billing Charges Form
Metabolic Assessment Form
Health Goals for Chiropractic Form
Supplement and Medication List

Sunshine Medical Centers


Dr. Barry Sunshine and Dr. Brian Sunshine are gifted speakers and offer many seminar opportunities throughout the year. As these seminars are scheduled they will be posted on our Facebook page for your convenience along with any printed materials available in preparation for the seminar.

Seminar Handouts

The 4 R's of Healthy Digestion
Hiatal Hernia Correction
EFT Tapping Basics
EFT Cheat Sheet
Epley Maneuver for Vertigo
Fight or Flight
Cortisol - Signs and Symptoms
Fructose Reference List
Names of Sugar in Foods
Things that Interfere with Sleep
Avoiding Adrenal Stimulants
What We Can Do to Decrease Our Risk of Cancer
The 4 R's of Healthy Digestion